First if you aren’t sure which side is dominant, read about it and take the test here. Right brained professionals are those most often in creative fields and the lifestyle industry. We excel at creative pursuits and often fall short on business acumen.
I got lucky because I trained my left brain in college and got the best of both attributes! The key is to develop whole brained thinking for a more comprehensive approach to life and business. On that note, there are 3 critical mistakes we right brained types make that are costing us success and prosperity. Once you know what they are, you can apply the solutions.
Mistake #1: Forgetting what it is you really do!
The Solution: Before you are a designer, before you are a realtor, before you are a contractor, before you are an organizer, before you are a stager, you are a MARKETER! Without being a MARKETER first and foremost you are nothing. No one knows about you until you market. As right brained professionals we tend to ignore marketing and spend our time creatively. We are each MARKETERS first and our specialty second. This goes for everyone (yes, doctors and lawyers too!)
It doesn’t matter if you are saying to yourself “well my marketing is all word-of-mouth” that is still marketing and must be built, nurtured, encouraged, and measured. You must become a MAVERICK MARKETER for your business at all times or risk those high and dry times (maybe you are experiencing that now?) Becoming whole brained will mean your left brain will keep your right brained side in business!
Mistake #2: Neglecting essential training in business expertise!
The Solution: Too often right brained professionals want to devote all of their time to their creative training and education and none to the business and marketing side of their enterprise. This will create a talented individual who is unknown in the marketplace, disconnected from clients, and struggling to make ends meet. Invest in your ongoing business education to stay up-to-date and leading edge. Learn to recognize what you don’t know, and what you can’t do and find those that you can delegate it to effectively. Learn at every opportunity.
Mistake #3: Hiding your talent from the world and clients!
The Solution: This goes hand in hand with a failure to market consistently and persistently. It also dovetails with a lack of basic business education. As a right brained professionals you want to indulge in your creativity, and you tend to neglect the taskes of being seen, heard and valued.
You must present your work, your talent, your genius to the world in an accessible format, available at your clients convenience not simply yours. You know what’s coming! Please, I’m begging you now, get a website. It is simple to do, check out my shortcuts. It can be up in less than thirty days and be cost effective at the same time.
ALSO, the terrifically talented webmaster I work with is available to work with you as well. I am pleased to share that he has been working with my mentees on their sites as well as their ezines (enewsletter) and even their blogs. Let me know if you’d like his contact. I’m here to support you in your success always.
The mistakes shared here are incredibly common. They are also incredibly easy to correct. You are the only one that makes the decisions to put your business on the fast track to success. Stop waiting, start succeeding. Prosper by Design, YOURS!
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