At our bimonthly Dining Divas gathering we each brought a dish, intriguing conversation, and a life of fascinating experiences and amusing anecdotes to share. It was tough organizing it this time though. It seems we are all accustomed to agendas, structure, and themes and without them are unsure and can flounder. Ironically, when these are imposed where they don’t belong, we’ll buck them and do our own thing anyway. My premise with the group was only to have an easy get together to share food, drink, and comradery. One participant requested a theme (I was stymied!) so I came up with Mexican. The irony kicked in when the host, new to our group, asked if there was a theme, I shared what had been established, and she said that didn’t suit and did her own thing! I realized that corralling a group of successful, head strong, independent women is akin to herding cats (likely lionesses) and best to just let the chips fall where they may. It was even funnier when the same host attempted to establish an agenda in the first few minutes and was promptly disregarded. In mere moments we were each engrossed in conversations of our own, soon to lose track of time and enjoy the evening as intended with food, drink, and comradery! Lesson learned, leave the rules by the wayside, the themes for parties, and instead keep it simple and fun. Perfect is overrated, good enough counts.