I have felt overwhelmed a lot these days. There is so much to accomplish between design – still my livelihood, speaking – my passion and purpose, and writing – the next book is due. Every time it gets to be too much, I remember the advice I give my coaching clients “break it down into bite-size pieces.” Everything is possible when you take it one step at a time. Too much will give you life indigestion! So I am a master at short lists, quick reminders and celebrating every small success.
Spring arts inspiration! I made it to the Magic City Arts Festival in Birmingham last weekend and had a blast! Crowds were much lighter than here in Atlanta, the weather was glorious, and I picked up a really hot birdhouse for my backyard jungle. The picture of me with the towers is fascinating because each tower is made of bits of tire, you know those blown out pieces we drive over on the highway? Artists are often the best recyclers, certainly this one is. And, I loved the mosaic hunter’s trophy!
Expand your circle of influence! As I write this, I have a huge pot of chili simmering on the stove, and will be soon setting up the buffet table and putting out the balloons for a gathering of gals to join me Sunday night for potluck. The idea is that we meet every other month, hoping to garner a minimum of 12 and maximum of 24 each meeting, to share what we’ve got going on, answer a fun and thought provoking question (this week is “what is your greatest adventure to date, and would you do it again?”) and get to know each other well beyond the limitations of our career titles. This pushes each of us just outside the usual zone, and this is all about netliving, not networking. We aren’t trading cards but anecdotes and experiences. I’ll be sure to post you on the fun next letter!
Happiest of upcoming Mother’s Days to those of you who are Moms and those of you who still have your Moms. Cherish the chance to reconnect and thank Mom for all she does, you are included. And remember Mom deserves to Celebrate Her Life!
Live well and beautifully,