Deliciously Quiet Labor Day Weekend… I rarely, if ever, travel on long weekends as it is too often needed time to get caught up on loose ends (do those every get truly completed?), and decompress from busy weeks. And, of course, there is always the traffic jam coming and going, that I love to avoid. This weekend I got a client’s new home (their fourth with me) just about done in a mere Saturday! (Hey, when you know folks that well, it really can streamline the process.) Did the requisite bill paying and filing, and enjoyed my garden. Hope you had a restful and relaxing long weekend or maybe took the week!
Lessons from The Sound of Music… What a treat to watch this old favorite again on AMC. It reaffirmed the value of patience and not playing by the rules and the magic that truly happens when you follow your heart. This is a wonderful story with powerful lessons about family, soulmates, and homeland. Have another look!
All in time… I’ve learned repeatedly in this life that often all that we need and want to know will come to us in time, but not if we push, not if we pull, and not if we demand. Yes, there are back door methods and behind closed door techniques to find out lots and sometimes those are necessary (most often if you have this level of intuitive mistrust, you don’t need to be involved anyway…hmmm ever dated a spy?) But, more often than not, if we just relax and give it time (whether it is a business relationship, a personal connection, or a family tie) all will become clear. People are not like books and we can’t simply read each chapter to a satisfying conclusion. They are more like a stack of treasure maps with new directions, tangents, portals, and keys being added continually. Happy hunting!
Live Well and By Design,