5 Steps to Boost Your Business and Referrals
Melissa Galt, Prosper by Design, discusses how an incentive or a marketing gold nugget can work with your business model. Take a look at the five ideas to boost your business and referrals and see how many of them you can fit into your business quickly and easily.
READ THE POST5 Steps to Creating Winning Joint Venture Partnerships
Creating winning joint venture partnerships can be the difference between a launch that sizzles and a launch that fizzles. The choice is yours. Prosper by Design, Melissa Galt teaches how to harness relationship building techniques and practices to catapult you to the top.
READ THE POSTYour Land of Oz is a Step Beyond Your Story . . .
I recently attended the musical Wicked. It is the story of how the witches became witches in […]
READ THE POST5 Steps to Creating Your Own Tribe
Building a business community, fostering your own tribe is about stepping out of the small self you are and moving into the bigger self you can be when going farther together. Here are five essential building blocks to creating your own tribe.
READ THE POSTDo You Have a Daily Exercise Routine?
Make it a point to establish an exercise routine that works for you. A short regular fitness routine that you do every day , or every other day, energizes you and renews your commitment to yourself.