Ever get the feeling that you aren’t a human being anymore but really a human doing? I certainly do. When was the last time you simply stopped all the busyness and spent time just being you?So many of us get trapped being busy, but not being productive. We have a myriad of irons in the fire, but lack the focus for anything to come to fruition (yes, I’m guilty too.) What I have learned is that when I can stop the noise of busy and the franticness associated with keeping all the balls in the air, and I simply step back and be for an hour or a weekend, I gain much needed perspective.
Being entails thinking and feeling, not simply acting. All too frequently we mistake motion for accomplishment. Often those who accomplish the most are the least busy among us. I am reminded of a friend from college, who put herself through school with not one but two jobs, got straight A’s at an Ivy League institution, and never missed a party. She never appeared frantic or even busy, but got it all done and well. That isn’t a matter of luck, but a matter of choice.
The reality is we each have a choice in how we live and how we work. Look closely at the choices you are making and remember that doing is not a substitute for being. At the end of the day, who we are is far more important than what we do.
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