Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting, Lynn Grabhorn
This is the missing piece! I think she could have done the same with a book half the size, but the point is hammered home. It is not just about thinking your way rich, thin, happy, successful, healthy, abundant, or any other way you want to be, but it is about “feeling” your way there. Can you put yourself into that place where you feel as you will when you get there?? In other words, can you feel what it will be like to be prosperous, to be successful in business, to be in a loving relationship, to be healthy and fit, to travel as you desire. Feeling your way is the key. Many of us operate from our intellects and our minds only and forget the critical conneciton that the heart plays in our lives. Grabhorn shows us clearly the significance and necessity of learning this heart/mind connection. A quick read, and invaluable tidbits.