I have a habit of tinkering with recipes when I cook. I’m not great at following directions, you know your typical entrepreneurial type! I find that by adding a dash of cinnamon to the fried chicken and waffles recipe or capers to an artichoke dip that it makes it mine and adds personality. What are you adding to your own life that makes it delicious and truly palatable?
So many people simple take the ingredients that await them on the shelf of life or what is served up by those in their lives without questioning it. But soon they find they are battling interior indigestion, relationship reflux, health heartburn, and career colon challenges. If your life isn’t working, look at what you are putting into it. What ingredients are you using? How are you preparing it? What cooking techniques are you using?
Our lives are the sum total of what we surround ourselves with and who we surround ourselves with. These are our ingredients. Our preparation is in how we bring ourselves to this table, our attitude, our talents, our unique gifts. How we cook it all together will determine if it is palatable and delicious or toxic to us. Sometimes we need to change the ingredients, making new friends, new contacts and connections and allowing the toxic ones out of our lives. Sometimes we need to change our surroundings with a move in our career, a move in our residence, or perhaps just a remodel of either or both. It is also helpful if we are flexible in the cooking of it all and can reach for that secret ingredient, that spice of life as needed.