My housewarming was a hit! I rallied a wonderful collection of friends to come up from Atlanta and sprinkled with a few locals and we all had a grand time. I actually did the menu myself with the help of a friend, no caterer. Everyone raved! I look forward to having at least three mountain celebrations a year; I’m thinking a Spring Fling, a Summer Fireworks, and a Fall Foliage Festival.
Halloween was very festive in these parts. I had no idea that the whole town turns out with dogs and kids all in costume, it was quite a sight as evidenced by pictures here. Spookalicious!
Back to Hotlanta! Got a girl’s night out tonight, a couple of business meetings then I’m off the Memphis and a night at the Peabody with the ducks! Sunday, I’m heading to Greenwood, MS for training with Viking. I’m speaking to the designers attending on the Semantics of Success. (And you’ve been getting my audio postcards on Wednesday’s so I hope you are changing your words to change your rewards!)
Prosper by Design, YOURS!