My mother always said, “See into life, don’t just look at it.” That wisdom is a compass for everything I share with you because it’s not just about skimming the surface of life; it’s about diving in and fully engaging. You have the creative power to design your future, 100%. Are you afraid of what lies ahead? It’s time to ask yourself if you’re letting fear overpower your faith and hold you back from everything you want and deserve.
Episode Highlights
- 00:00 – “See Into Life, Don’t Just Look at It”
- 03:15 – “Everything You Want is on the Other Side of Fear”
- 10:30 – “Fear is Self-Created”
- 18:00 – “The Two Wolves”
- 24:45 – “Move From Fear to Faith”
Yes, I covered overcoming fears in episode 119; it’s not a one-and-done exercise. Mastering your mindset is ongoing, and I’m right there with you, doing the work. Overcoming fear by design means taking practical steps to inhale confidence and exhale fear so you can step fully into your potential without sabotaging yourself.
Let’s dive in!
Everything You Want is on the Other Side of Fear
What’s holding you back right now? Maybe you’re anxious about landing larger projects. Perhaps you’re worried about finances, your partner’s job, or your kids’ education. Or maybe you’re stuck on a revenue plateau, spinning your wheels in the same spot for years. Sound familiar? Here’s the truth: the reason you’re stuck is that you’re doing what you’ve always done.
Your brain clings to the familiar because it feels safe, but growth is inherently unsafe—and unfamiliar. To get to everything you want, you’ve got to break the cycle. Overcoming fear by design requires you to take risks, try new things, and push yourself in ways you never have before. That means being someone you’ve not yet been.
Fear is Self-Created
Fear isn’t real; it’s something we create. I’ve seen this firsthand. In my life, I’ve bungee-jumped, skydived, and hang-glided, all of which pushed me far out of my comfort zone. Each of those moments taught me that fear only exists if you give it time and space. When I jumped, I wasn’t scared—I was focused. Fear gobbles up time, but if you don’t give it attention, it starves.
The same principle applies to business and life. Overcoming fear by design means refusing to let it rob you of your time, energy, or potential. When fear pops up, write it down, look it in the face, and say, “Boo.” Yes, it sounds silly, but it works. And while you’re at it, make a list of solutions. Use that brilliant, creative mind of yours to think through the possibilities.

The Power of a Pro & Con List
When you’re faced with a decision, a simple pro and con list can be a game-changer. On the pro side, list everything you’ll gain: better clients, bigger fees, dream projects, more opportunities, and pride in your success. On the con side, list what you might lose. Most of the time, the cons are minimal compared to the pros. This logical exercise helps shift your mindset from fear to possibility.
Move From Fear to Faith
When you find yourself stuck in worry, shift your focus to solutions. Ask yourself, “What if I earned double this year? What would that mean for my family and my business?” Feed that possibility, not your fear.
Overcoming fear by design starts with taking action. Fear hates action. By taking steps forward—even small ones—you overcome fear and build momentum. Whether it’s setting stretch goals, creating a new process, or stepping into new opportunities, every forward move is a step away from fear.
Key Takeaways
Fear thrives on inaction, but you don’t have to stay stuck. Overcoming fear by design begins with imagining what life could look like if you embraced faith over fear. Take it one step at a time, and remember: you’ve got this because I’ve got you.
When you’re ready to increase your interior design practice profits, work exclusively with ideal clients, and enjoy the time and resources for your extraordinary life, explore your coaching options. We’ve got your back in the business of interior design.