At Burning O’ Your Troubles I brought in a tarot card reader for fun. The key to these types of readings is to realize firstly that this is only done in that particular moment in time and can change dramatically even in 24 hours. Much of this type of reading is based on your energies and where you are in your life and your outlook. While many claim to be surprised by the accuracy or predictions what they fail to realize is that the seeds of all of the predictions lie within them. Few people take the time to truly tap into themselves, their energies and focus on their desired priorities and outcomes. When we do we find that we are able to truly design our own reality. Tune in, turn on, and listen to your interior self.
Sometimes it takes just a word to give us a new outlook and make what may have been a negative into a positive. Since most individuals abandon their New Year’s resolutions within the first three days of the year (scientific study!) perhaps it has to do with the word itself. To resolve means – to loosen, release; to break up; to reduce by analysis; to clear up. To commit means – to promise devotion; to promise resources; to entrust something to somebody; to record something for the future. At Burning O’ Your Troubles we do release our troubles to the past and COMMIT by promise and devotion to our present and our future. Consider resolving to let go of your past and your troubles and COMMIT to your desired experiences in 2008.
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