Do you know about I only learned about BLIP last week and have had a blast with it since then! It is a free online site that enables you to request songs by the artist’s name or song title and post the songs as active playable links into your social media stream. You can certainly send specific songs to specific followers using the @address or simply send it out to everyone. It is up to them to click on the link and play it or not. is smart and doesn’t rely on your spelling or accuracy, but will provide close fits if you aren’t quite sure about the title or artist. The sound comes through your computer’s speakers and is rich and full. There is no charge! This isn’t purchasing tunes but instead a chance to be your own DJ, follow other DJ’s and create a following among listeners.
It has some neat options too with the ability to build your own favorites playlist simply and easily by clicking the star icon at the lower left of each entry. You can reBLIP a song, much like reTweeting on Twitter with another click of an icon, and you can share “props” which is the equivalent of “high-fives” with another DJ if you like what they are playing.
I know it sounds like a way to lose hours and I suppose it can be; for me it is a way to add energy and the occasional dance at my desk moment in what can be long spells at my laptop!
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