One of the keys to social media success is not just making connections, but making connections that stick. It is fine if you just want idle chit chat, but you’ll go much farther if you actually get to know the connections you are making. That means taking the time to explore their websites, ask relevant questions, and find out what a good lead is for them. Touch base regularly with a warm greeting and genuine care about their progress. You’ll find that when you make connections that stick they’ll be there for you when you need them most.
This is all about frequent contact with the groups you belong to, getting active in discussion groups, and posting both personal and relevant information. I say personal because these networks came up as a way to be friends first business second. So exercise that ever popular 80/20 rule and be social 80 percent of the time and business 20 percent of the time. Social doesn’t mean you divulge intimate details. This is the web so be sure that what you do share you would be comfortable with your grandmother or your boss (if you have one) reading!
Have fun with the networks and make connections that stick!
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