One of the real advantages to the internet is the ability to repurpose your content simply and easily from platform to platform and format to format. What that means is that you can write a blog post … [Read more...] about Weird Trick to Save Tons of Time and Keep Your Clients Hot & Buying
Lead Generation
7 No Brainer Ways to Repurpose Your Expertise and Excellence
In this age of life and business at warp speed, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the many opportunities and tasks that come our way literally daily. And we forget that the whole point to the internet … [Read more...] about 7 No Brainer Ways to Repurpose Your Expertise and Excellence
The Go-Givers Way to More Traffic
One of the surest ways to grow your own Tribe is to go and give to them. Feeding your audience regular value content with a sense of humor, heart, and personality will grow your traffic and your … [Read more...] about The Go-Givers Way to More Traffic
5 Simple Tricks to Increase Your Traffic and Boost Your Bottom Line
Traffic, as in hot prospects and ready-to-buy customers, is the lifeblood of your business. There is a totally HOT GIFT GIVEAWAY going on just until December 23 that is loaded with tips, tools, … [Read more...] about 5 Simple Tricks to Increase Your Traffic and Boost Your Bottom Line
MARKETING SUCCESS STRATEGIES: 7 Simple, Proven Techniques to Turn Prospects Into Clients
These quick and effective steps are ones I use regularly to turn prospects easily and quickly into clients (if there is a fit), and you can too! Listen. It sounds simple and it can be but too often … [Read more...] about MARKETING SUCCESS STRATEGIES: 7 Simple, Proven Techniques to Turn Prospects Into Clients
Yes, I do know the old adage “those that CAN’T teach.” But I also know that one of my best paid marketing strategies is teaching. In fact, that is how I began my design business. I taught adult … [Read more...] about MARKETING SUCCESS STRATEGIES: Those that CAN Teach!
So how did I manage to stay connected while in China? With a time change of over 12 hours and having crossed the international dateline, it wasn’t going to be simple to stay in touch on my usual … [Read more...] about SOCIAL NETWORK SUCCESS: Twitterrific Tools
I was catching up on my industry reading the other day with Qualified Remodeler. Does that surprise you? You thought I only read design publications, not nearly. We are in The Lifestyle Industry and … [Read more...] about BUSINESS BUILDING BLOCKS: Leveraging Your Brand
BUSINESS BUILDING BLOCKS: 7 Secrets to Turning Prospects into Clients
These quick and effective steps are ones I use regularly to turn prospects easily and quickly into clients (if there is a fit). Listen. It sounds simple and it can be but too often we get caught up … [Read more...] about BUSINESS BUILDING BLOCKS: 7 Secrets to Turning Prospects into Clients