The old adage goes “be careful what you ask for, you just might get it!” Well no truer words were ever spoken. It seems that sometimes we ask for what we want but aren’t truly ready for it, and then feel pushed to either get ready or let the dream slip by to appear in another form later. What is it that you intend? More money? Business success? The right romance? Health and fitness? A trip to an exotic destination? The house of your dreams? Whatever it is, it is well within your grasp, but you do need to be ready to accept the opportunities that appear when you start asking for it. The universe has a way of delivering exactly what we request, particularly when we ask with no hesitation and no doubt. Often we aren’t in charge of the timing on our requests and don’t realize how quickly the magic will happen. Being ready inside ourselves is vital to the success of any of our “wishes.” Designing our desired experiences is being ready for those experiences to show up is vital.