I know this is a departure from my usual pics and reviews of travel, but I couldn’t help it! I’ve heard just so much about The Secret. Yes, I do own it. And, yes, I have watched it more than once. This is not new information. It is information as old as the hills and only in a new package. Will the package change the world? I doubt it, not because I am not optimistic, on the contrary, I am very optimistic. But instead because the age old challenge still exists of implementation, of action.
A dream remains a dream without waking and realizing it. A vision remains a vision without strategy and action to make it real. Our lives will not change by magic but instead by dedicating ourselves to our own design.
When will you be ready to become the architect of your life?
When will you design the experiences you want to have?
When will you build the connections and implement the strategies for growth and success?
When will you take the time to decorate your life with the results you seek?
Until each of us makes the decision to take hold of our own lives and be the difference in our lives and the world that we can be, nothing will change. Are you in charge of your life or have you chosen to live by default, taking whatever comes your way? Life is incredibly short and unpredictable, we all have the same destination, it is only our journey that will set us apart. What is your journey saying about you?
We are the average of those who surround us. Who is in your circle?
What we think about expands. What is expanding in your life?
Our lives represent the sum of choices we have made to date. If you are unhappy with your life, change your choices!
Live by design,