It can happen to anyone, no matter how well you budget, and how great you are at planning, you can find yourself short suddenly and needing to raise fast cash. Now I know that in the internet age, most online marketers would try to sell you a program to make you money. That is going to cost you at the front end and you really don’t have the time. So take a look at just three quick ways to get cash fast when you aren’t online or have a bit too much “stuff.”
#1 Sell Gold Jewelry
Now, I am not suggesting you use that company on TV that tells you to put it all in a bag and mail it off, are you crazy? Research a reputable local jeweler (preferably a wholesaler) and get an estimate from at least two to three before parting with any gold jewelry, coins or collectibles. Be smart and know that it can take anywhere from a day to a couple of weeks or more depending on what you have and whether there is more than just the value of the metals.
A reputable dealer will remove stones (often not worth much) or sell those separately if you want them to. This is a great way to ditch those old pieces you never wear and to find out if the pieces you have are worth anything. Gold jewelry styles do change year to year and definitely decade to decade, don’t be afraid to let a piece go that you don’t enjoy regardless of the sentimentality. It is stuff and the memories are far more important. (Besides think of it as the person it came from, if it was a gift, is providing for you now.)
#2 Consign Clothing
While normally I’d agree that this won’t get you much, but considering that we ladies have been known to buy on sale and often it is an outfit that fits only when five pounds lighter, I’m betting you might have an outfit or five. We’ve all done it; fallen into that trap of “it’s such a bargain,” only to find we never wear it. So give it up. Be ruthless, and make sure you have a good and trusted friend with you when you go through your closet. You might even have an item or two with the tag still on. (You know you do!)
Now if you really don’t have anything worth it in your closet, but you know designer fashion names, you can pick up pieces for a song at thrift stores and take them to consignment boutiques where you are likely to get triple and quintuple your investment. Yes, good condition and up-to-date does matter. Also many consignment shops are seasonally based and if you bring in an armful of sweaters mid-summer you won’t get much as they’ll shuffle these to the back room.
Find a consignor that works for you. How often do they pay out? Do they have a minimum amount for them to issue a check? It is the same kind of rules that apply online with affiliates (if you are familiar with those.)
#3 Hold an Estate Sale
This might look and feel kind of like a garage sale but the language and word choices are everything. Having an “estate” sale indicates a very different class of goods than having a rummage sale. You can sell your own goods or sell goods you’ve picked up from other not so savvy “garage” salers and thrift stores.
A neighbor of mine did this recently and pulled in over $3k much to the surprise of her husband who was sure it wouldn’t amount to much. She did it with vintage finds and careful placement throughout her home, so the goods were shown in context. This makes a big difference. Putting it out on tables on the street is garage style. Setting up inside your home will garner more sales at higher levels.
Yes, you can create your own economy and it means being creative with what you have, both the talents you have, the skills you possess, and the stuff you own. When you want more creative ideas on how to make business better in any economy head on over to