I speak with so many design professionals and even retailers and am continually amazed at how many don't have websites at all, or websites that work for them. I have had a website for my design … [Read more...] about BUSINESS BUILDING BLOCKS: 5 Must-Haves for Every Designer’s Website
Business Development
Did you know that according to a nationwide survey of interior design professionals, the average independent interior designer grosses $250K a year? Are you grossing anywhere close to that figure? Do … [Read more...] about BUSINESS BUILDING BLOCKS: What Are YOU Worth?
The home furnishings and design industry is way behind the curve in the social networking world. More than 50% of designers and decorators still don't have a website, and less than 20% are active in … [Read more...] about SOCIAL NETWORK SUCCESS TIP: Find Me, Find Business
AVA Living
Do you want more exposure to the marketplace? One of the most effective ways I've found to make headlines and gain instant credibility is with social networking. Now, for many this means Facebook, … [Read more...] about AVA Living
BUSINESS BUILDING BLOCKS: 7 Secrets to Turning Prospects into Clients
These quick and effective steps are ones I use regularly to turn prospects easily and quickly into clients (if there is a fit). Listen. It sounds simple and it can be but too often we get caught up … [Read more...] about BUSINESS BUILDING BLOCKS: 7 Secrets to Turning Prospects into Clients
Being somewhat of a personal and professional development junkie, attending seminars as often as possible, listening in to teleclasses, and checking out webinars, I've realized something VITAL. … [Read more...] about BUSINESS BUILDING BLOCKS: Cooking Up Success!
Are You Connected?
How often do we focus exclusively on our client in business and forget to talk a bit about ourselves? Don't underestimate the power of finding those points of connection that will set you apart from … [Read more...] about Are You Connected?
Band-Aids on Your Business: Ease the Pain
Well, despite it all, I do have to keep up on my ezine and sharing more business building tips! This week is about how to alleviate the pain we often find in our small businesses by eliminating the … [Read more...] about Band-Aids on Your Business: Ease the Pain
When Less Really IS More
Do you want to know the fastest way to get back a chunk of time? Get back money? Get back your life? PURGE. That's right folks; Spring Cleaning is way over due. I wouldn't have tackled it but for my … [Read more...] about When Less Really IS More