One of the biggest keys to success is to focus on your strengths and let your weaknesses go.
This means that you’ve got to know clearly (as in slap your face silly), what you are NOT any good at.
And then making sure you either never do it or do very little of it.
(Ideally you delegate it or you delete it from your business. Focus on your strengths.)
Over the years I’ve learned that there are 3 specific things I am really bad at.
I’m sharing them here because you may be bad at the same things and it will feel better to know you aren’t alone, or you may be aces at these things (focus on your strengths) and feel good knowing there are those of us who are not.
And, because I want you to know how I can help you and how I cannot help you. Clarity is priceless!
#1 Helping You Find Your Passion
Yes, you read that correctly. My best clients already know their passion, in fact they’ve been established in a business around their passion for at least a couple of years and often much longer. Their passion is one of the their greatest strengths because it keeps them on purpose with impact and profit. Focus on your strengths.
What my best clients struggle with is systems and processes, or the lack thereof.
They are being eaten alive by their business. And while they haven’t lost their passion, they are about to lose their minds because they feel scattered, often overwhelmed, and no longer sure of themselves. They have hit a plateau and need the know-how to make the next leap.
They want to focus on more income in less time with less effort and more time for the rest of their life.
What I am good at is stripping away the overwhelm and confusion and showing them how to apply powerful systems that will save time and help them make more money with less effort.
I use plateaus as spring boards for quantum leaps and showing you how to be unstoppable. (Focus on your strengths.)

#2 Being Patient
Rumor has it this is a skill that can be learned. Well, try as I might, I haven’t learned it which makes me a particularly poor fit for those who are brand new in business or don’t have a business at all.
When you are new in business you often need someone very patient to hold your hand and walk you through step by step. I’m more of a tell you exactly what you need to do and give you a loving, but firm, push to get you moving forward. I know that immediate action is the fastest way to see results and waiting to act is not.
I’m also one of those ninja problem solvers with an unlimited creative arsenal of ideas, strategy, tools, and techniques to solve any challenge, resolve any issue, and put you back into a place of flow and achievement. I don’t wait for you to figure out the answer to the problem, I give you a couple of solutions and urge you forward.
Luckily, I have a couple of awesome colleagues who specialize in helping new business owners and can even guide you in finding your passion if you don’t know what it is yet. (Focus on your strengths.) I’m not your go to for this.
#3 Managing a Team and Talent
This is the reason I hire self-starters and work with assistants and talent who take initiative and don’t require management. I don’t like to manage anyone, I like to inspire, ignite, encourage, urge, recommend, advise, direct, guide, mentor, consult and coach.
Fortunately, my clients never want to be managed they want to be inspired, ignited, encouraged, advised, directed, guided, mentored, consulted and coached. And when they want to build a team I show them how they can do it without becoming a manager (*unless they like that and very few do).
There is also the option of working with talent teams that are managed by someone else, like an OBM (online business manager) so you don’t manage it your OBM does. One of the reasons you probably own your own business and are the CEO of your passion is that you didn’t want to be a manager for someone else (that was one of my reasons.)
Now, trust me, there are a few other things I’m not great at, but they aren’t a big deal. (Focus on your strengths.)
And I’ve learned to either DELEGATE or DELETE what I’m not good at from my business (and my life.)
Playing to your weaknesses is the surest way to waste time, energy, and money.
Harness your strengths for success a lot sooner and if the strengths I’ve shared here are what you need, let’s talk.
I’d like to discover more about who you are, what you want, and the impact your business delivers.
Schedule your complimentary discovery session:
“See” you inside.