Are you one of those talented professional service providers who gives yourself and your gifts away because you love what you do so very much that you’d do it for free? Are you struggling with the delusion that everyone deserves your help and that you’ll make the world a better place by accepting less compensation and trying to serve everyone, instead of stepping up to work exclusively with the best and claiming what you deserve?
Have you (accidentally) lived that mantra of “will work for food?”
I’ve done my share of free coaching (over lunch) and free designing (over a cocktail), and while it may have come from an altruistic place, it really didn’t do anyone any favors. Free has no value. And when you discount your services, it impairs the value.
It is only when you are willing to step up and claim your true and full value that you will earn what you deserve and be able to make the biggest difference. The more you charge, the greater the action the client will take. More money means a higher level of commitment on their part (and yours.)
When you earn more money you will create a much greater impact in your own life and that of others. When you earn extreme income, you release all limitations, and step into a place of intentional possibility.
#1 Give to Your Favorite Charities and Causes (yes, that is plural, the more you make, the more you can give away.)
#2 Live Rich and Raise the Standard for Those Around You (Earning less than you desire or deserve isn’t a positive. Poverty is a pattern in both thinking and living and when you break the pattern for yourself, you will show others how to do the same. Poverty consciousness happens whenever you think you don’t deserve more whether that is at $50K, $150K, $500K, or $5M, limits are always available if you choose them.)
#3 Build a Foundation. (It doesn’t have to be as big as The Gates Foundation, though the impact Gates has had is extraordinary. How big will your impact be?)
#4 Generate Jobs & Grow the Economy. (The more you have to spend on goods and services the greater contribution you are making to the business well being of others. You are actually helping keep and create jobs and generate economic growth. It is also likely that you will directly generate jobs by the people you employ both in your business and in your home life.)
#5 Enjoy Extraordinary Experiences (Experiencing other cultures, customs, and countries broadens your world view and what you think is possible. Having the resources to embrace unique experiences and once-in-a-lifetime events will continue to grow you as a person, as a professional, and as a global contributor to the greater good.)
I’ve got a new brand mission coming your way.
Exclusive Clients, Extreme Income, Extraordinary Life
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I designed it to show you how to earn extreme income while working with exclusive clients. Extreme to you may mean multiple 6-figures, it may mean soaring past a million, or it may mean cracking the ceiling of multiple millions. Whatever your definition, the means to get there are around the corner.
Coming to your business, August 2015.
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