There are 7 Laws of Client Attraction that when you adhere to them and play by them, you will find your business growing by leaps and bounds. On the other hand when you ignore any given one of them, your business will be diminished, your profits less and your passion for your business challenged.
Use this as a CHECKLIST to see which of these laws you are using to full effect, which you have ignored and which ones you have only partially leveraged. You’ll know what action you need to take to move forward and if you want more, grab the free training videos here. VIDEOS.

How to Define and Attract Your Ideal Client . . .(See the Videos)
#1 Law of FOCUS
When you FOCUS ON A SPECIFIC TARGET MARKET, or on no more than three specific targets, you create a magnetic pull to those targets.
Being scattered is making you struggle to find clients.
When you APPLY PERSONALITY PROFILES to each of your target markets, so that you are “speaking” to them personally and touching their unique priorities, pains and pleasures, they will notice, listen, and buy.
Being generic and trying to be all things to everyone is ensuring you are of no value to anyone.
Where to Find and Capture Your Ideal Client . . .(See the Videos)
When you LEAD WITH A GIFT OF EXPERTISE AND EXPERIENCE with each and every exchange, they will feel a reciprocal need to invest in you.
Being stingy with your expertise and not generously giving of your experience to your market is sending a message of lack and desperation.
When you ALWAYS PROVIDE GREAT VALUE persistently to your market, when you are consistent in your presence, they will recognize you as the expert you are and look to you for solutions, innovations, and leadership.
Being random in your value and inconsistent in your presence leaves your target market uncertain and unclear of who and what you represent. A confused mind says “no.”
When you WALK YOUR TALK are genuine and authentic in sharing your story (even the ugly bits), your target market will see you as an expert they can trust and rely on.
Being guarded, always putting on a happy face (life isn’t like that), only showing the best parts, isn’t real and your target market will recognize the inauthenticity, lack of transparency, and disconnect from you.
Follow Up for Bigger ProfitsHow to Keep and Profit from Your Ideal Client. . . (See the Videos)
#6 Law of FOLLOW UP
WHEN YOU FOLLOW UP, YOU STAY VISIBLE AND CREDIBLE. In the warp speed world we live in, and with a million and one choices for every decision, your follow up is a critical step in your success. Returning phone calls and also reaching out, phoning instead of relying on email, sending a hand written thank you note by snail mail, all of these are ways you can follow up and stay in touch.
Being focused only on the start and failing in the follow up will find you leaving money and opportunity on the table. Too often in business you may take all the necessary steps but fall down on the follow up, that alone will negate a large share of your profits. Follow up is integral to your success and profitability.
#7 Law of RESOURCE
When you make yourself a GO-TO-EXPERT to your market you will be TOP-OF-MIND. Providing resources beyond your specialty is a great way to capture and build trust with your ideal client.
Being knowledgeable only in your niche and blind to related specialties and providers will significantly limit your success. By providing resources, even other service providers as appropriate you are building a sense of reciprocity with others and creating opportunities for referrals now and in the future.
These laws are working in your business when you apply them. When you choose to ignore them you will experience business obstacles and challenges in their place. These aren’t hard to apply but you have to be FOCUSED, CLEAR, CONSISTENT, and PERSISTENT.
I’d love to hear how you are applying these laws in your business and what your results have been! Share in the comments below. And when you want to move it forward with help, go get your free training videos here. VIDEOS!