Have you ever been in a networking meeting and after speaking with just a handful of attendees, you felt like yelling “stop being so small,play a bigger game!” (Oops, is that just me?)
It happened just the other day . . .
It was frustrating because I was in a room filled with wildly well-educated coaches and trainers. Many of these people had certifications out the kazoo, and would have had a veritable alphabet of abbreviations after their name on their business card.
(Unfortunately, alphabets of abbreviation behind your name, don’t guarantee a fat bank account or that you are making a big impact in the world. It only guarantees a crowded business card.)
And, they were complaining about not enough business, not the right clients,and the common objections (usually money, time, “gotta think about it”) that they got from potential clients.
These are what I call over certified and under successful. These are individuals who are truly talented but feel so much safer getting just one more certification instead of one more client. . .
Instead of creating a juicy package they play it safe and small with hourly coaching.
Instead of investing time in networking with potential clients, they play in a pond of their peers.
While coaches from the school of hard knocks, without an alphabet behind their name are charging (and getting) tens of thousands of dollars from hungry clients,these gifted and degreed experts are complaining about how hard it is to make money as a coach (no it’s not.)
The reality is, it is as hard or easy as you believe it to be to make money in any field. If you talk with someone who is struggling, they’ll tell you how hard it is. If you speak with someone who is a success and has worked hard at it, they’ll tell you it is easy.
You can’t be a success if you play it safe.

Success requires risk, usually calculated, sometimes random.
Endless education is fun and safe. I’ve often thought that if I could afford to stay in school the rest of my life, I’d do it. But it isn’t real and it’s not where you can make the biggest difference (unless you are a professor!)
The real world awaits you.
It wants your gifts and talents, it demands your hard work, your perseverance and your willingness to take risks. In fact, one of my favorite speakers and authors, Randy Gage, nailed this in his latest book, Risky is the New Safe.
When you are ready to step up and claim your impact and your income in this wild world of business, get in touch. Let’s schedule a “More Clients for More Cash” conversation that will provide the CLARITY you need to move your business forward quickly and get out of safe and into success.