Too often the difference between and success and failure is simply in the asking. You neglect to ask for the raise, you fail to ask for the sale, you forget to ask for referrals. It is all about asking both in business and in life. There are 5 ways to ASK YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS:
Ask for Business
We all know sales people that fail to ask for the sale. I hope you aren’t one of them! It isn’t enough to educate, inform, and even entertain the prospect; you’ve got to ask for the sale. Whether you are offering a service or a product doesn’t matter, you must ask for the sale. Simply pausing when you are finished, doesn’t mysteriously invite the prospect to buy. You have to ask “when are you available to schedule that first appointment?” or “would you like this in red?” or whatever question will get you the sale.
Ask for Testimonials
Way too many people neglect asking their customers and clients for testimonials or rave reviews. Are you one who neglects this too? It is easy. When you have completed delivery or an installation simply invite them to write a short note on a card you provide and be sure you have their permission to quote them. If you wait until a later date this becomes much more challenging as they are no longer in the moment and feeling the elation and immediate benefit of the service or product provided.
Ask for Referrals
Yes, you can ask for referrals simply and easily. Be sure first that the person you are asking fits your ideal client profile as they are likely to know more people like themselves. If you didn’t enjoy working with them, don’t ask! When you do, simply say “I’ve so enjoyed working with you and would truly appreciate the opportunity to be of service to your friends, colleagues, family (whatever is most appropriate).” Invite them to fill in a note card with the names and contacts of 2-3 friends or associates. Always follow up a referral with a thank you gift, this can be a restaurant gift card, a bouquet of flowers, or a gift basket and always with a personal note attached.
Ask for Information
This is like asking for directions and you know how tough that is for many! If you don’t know something ask someone else. You could be asking about a job opening, compensation, a trip, a resource, a restaurant, someone’s feelings. If you don’t know, don’t guess. ASK, ASK, ASK!
Ask for Feedback
You have a choice, do you want to guess or ASK? Often spend our lives second guessing others when all we need to do is ASK. When you want feedback on something, on anything, simply ASK. It could be a service your provided, a product you ordered, a communication you sent, clothing you wore, food you made, an event you planned. Whatever it is, if you want to know more ASK others. This is as simple as saying “I’d like your feedback on…”
Asking doesn’t have to be complicated or scary. What is scary is operating in ignorance, selfishness, and stupidity because you don’t ask. Your world will expand exponentially when you learn to ASK, ASK, ASK!
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