Have you ever gotten an unexpected goody from a vendor or supplier? How about a special savings because you are a VIP customer? I know you’ve probably availed yourself of the benefits of credit card or frequent flyer points. Well what have you done like that in your own business?
- How are you getting referrals?
Oh, I get it, you didn’t think this kind of incentive or marketing gold nugget would fit your business model. Well, trust me that’s where you are wrong. Everyone loves to get a goody, a little something for seemingly nothing. You and I both know that our clients pay us well, and if yours don’t, then please get new clients and a sense of your own worth. You deserve it if we are doing business the right way, we’ve got a little extra wiggle room to give back to these same clients.
Take a look at the five ideas here and see how many of them you can fit into your business quickly and easily.
Comp an Invoice
Can you comp a small invoice on a large job? Clearly this is a job or project that requires multiple invoices and you are a detail fanatic and dot every I and cross every T. Therefore, I’m betting you can afford to comp a small invoice or part of an invoice. Make sure your client knows you are doing this. Just not charging doesn’t let them know they got a benefit. Instead you want to highlight it on an invoice show what it would have cost ad mark it COMPED or NO CHARGE.
Add a Service or Product
What about adding a service free of charge? For example a landscaper I worked with recently added in pre-emergent to land a valuable client. It wasn’t a big amount, but it was an extra service that he loaded on top, frosting on the cake of the package and sealed the deal. Be sure if you do this that you don’t do it on every job or it loses it’s special appeal. And it’s likely not every job will benefit from the same complimentary extra service.
Get More Money Faster
How about getting more money in the door faster? You can when you offer an incentive for full payment up front for work that is typically billed monthly or quarterly. Don’t use the word “discount” as that will impair your value. Instead use the word “special savings” or “VIP value.”
Frequent Fliers Aren’t Alone
What about giving a frequent client savings or make it a friends and family value? I have clients who have been with me long enough that they are friends and almost family (I’m invited for holidays!) When I’ve worked with them long enough, I will offer a friends and family savings. This isn’t publicized, it’s just a special incentive for people I enjoy working with and have done a lot of business with. I bet you could institute that one too.
Bundling and Packages
- Bundle to help your clients save!
Can you bundle either products or services together, add a snappy or catchy name, and provide special pricing? Packages are always perceived as better deals and it’s a great way to get a new client on board to try multiple services or products (or both!)
So take a good look at your business, whether it’s about products or service, and find the ways you can incent your clients to buy more, refer more, and love you more! Tell me here how you’ve been able to make this or any other incentive work in your business.
I’d love to hear your comments on getting referrals, your wins and your frustrations, and how you offer your customers more!
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