This can be a crazy time of year for any kind of networking but the social networks particularly are blowing up with special offers, last minute sales, and super discounts. Amidst all the noise and … [Read more...] about Social Networking At The Holidays: How To Spread The Cheer!
Social Media Marketing
Social Networking: How to Invite Connections and Friends on LinkedIN and FB
I have to confess this is my all time pet peeve! I am so tired of getting impersonal invites to friend connect on Facebook or the generic invite on LinkedIN "I'd like to add you to my professional … [Read more...] about Social Networking: How to Invite Connections and Friends on LinkedIN and FB
Social Networking: How to Stay Safe & Be Secure Online
I’ve realized lately that what is stopping or at least slowing down many women particularly, from climbing on the social networks and jumping aboard the social media bandwagon is fear of remaining … [Read more...] about Social Networking: How to Stay Safe & Be Secure Online
Marketing with a Cause: Buzz with the Bees
One of the keys to effective marketing today is a great hook and at Fall Market in Highpoint, there were some great ones! The first I saw was featured by Ellen Gefen of when she shared … [Read more...] about Marketing with a Cause: Buzz with the Bees
Social Networking Know-How: The Trust Me Strategy
This is one of the most effective strategies to build a successful social media presence and can be easily translated into offline success as well. The Trust Me Strategy is all about increasing your … [Read more...] about Social Networking Know-How: The Trust Me Strategy
Social Networking Success Strategies: How to be a Celebrity
There are 5 key strategies for maximizing your social media benefits. This week I'll detail THE CELEBRITY STRATEGY. In coming weeks, I'll discuss the Trust Me Strategy, the You Know Me Strategy, the … [Read more...] about Social Networking Success Strategies: How to be a Celebrity
It seems that few business owners and creativepreneurs who climb aboard the social networks realize one of the most incredible benefits. The networks are open source. What I mean is that before social … [Read more...] about SOCIAL NETWORKING KNOW-HOW: Social Media is OPEN Source
It is fascinating to see the shift that is occurring on social media these days. As more and more climb aboard, Twitter is now over 40 million and doubling every ninety days, Facebook is over 250 … [Read more...] about SOCIAL NETWORKING KNOWHOW: Connecting with Value
How Do YOU Define Abundance?
Abundance is a concept often debated in spiritual and entrepreneurial circles. Entrepreneurs commonly use the catch-phrase "thinking BIG," but they really mean the same thing. Abundance is tough to … [Read more...] about How Do YOU Define Abundance?