Have you ever found yourself invited to an opportunity but you didn’t feel you really deserved it? You weren’t sure if your talents and skills were really up to par? You are extraordinary but stuck at times in places of feeling ordinary. It happens to everyone. When you feel ordinary your life is likely to become one of playing small and coloring inside the lines. It’s time to step up, design your life and claim your G.I.F.T.S™ for who you really are.

G.I.F.T.S.™ is the acronym for Genuinely Interested in Fun and Truly Sharing. Most of the time when we get trapped in that place of ordinary it is because we are far too caught up in ourselves and focused internally rather than Genuinely Interested in those around us. The moment you shift your focus to those beyond you and events and activities outside of yourself, you will find extraordinary comes much more easily.
Now onto the Fun part. Many people lead hard and difficult lives. This isn’t because life is inherently hard and difficult at all, instead it is because that is what many of us have been trained to do from childhood. With messages like “you have to work hard to make a decent living,” “it’s called work for a reason,” “work isn’t supposed to be fun,” and many others. It is easy to fall into that dark vision that life is largely devoted to work and work is usually hard. STOP! Take a step back from this dangerous edge and instead take a new look at where and how you spend your time.
You design your own success. You have a choice and you can view it as hard or easy. You can see the challenges and obstacles or you can seek the solutions and the way through. I’d encourage you to reframe “work” as “your passion” and “your purpose.” It not only sounds better but becomes inherently more FUN and joy filled. Your language is your limitation and by choosing your words in a deliberate supporting manner instead of what you likely learned, you are choosing to reframe your life, your work, and your world.

At last we arrive at Truly Sharing and this is all about reaching out and connecting to others from your heart, not just your head. Again, it is easy to put on your mask, to conceal your G.I.F.T.S™ and to create a superficial existence, but eventually you will have to face the reality that you are simply not ordinary and to lead a life fulfilled must step wholly and completely in your extraordinariness.
The fastest way to do this is to engage, relate to, and serve others by Truly Sharing your G.I.F.T.S™ every day and in every way. Go for it and see what happens. You can always go back to a little life, to a small existence. I think you’ll find that once you step out, your life will expand to such exceptional capacity that you would never even dream of returning to the confines of ordinary, the world is waiting.
I would love to hear how you have changed your ordinary life into extraordinary! Comment here…