A problem is simply a label you have applied to something in your life. I am fond of correcting that word choice into “a solution waiting to happen.” In actuality, a problem is only created by the way you frame any given situation or event.
Drama Isn’t PrettyWhen I was younger, I had a lot of problems and created a lot of drama in my life. I loaded my life with land mines that regularly exploded. It was very uncomfortable, unproductive, and dramatic. When I began my path to personal development, I had to accept that these were my land mines, no one else’s. I had to give up my victim thinking and take responsibility for my life, my choices, and my outcomes. It wasn’t easy, it was simple.
It took time to unlearn my old habits and patterns of behavior and to establish new and healthier patterns that serve me today. I put myself on a steady diet of personal development books, audio recordings (yes, cassette tapes back in those days), and the rare live event. The path was far from perfect, the journey laden with detours of drama and side trips of self pity. Today, I take an optimistic view of life and operate from my sunny side (at least most of the time!)
I had to learn to reframe my “problems” in a way that created a solution or gave me the opportunity to rise above until the problem simply didn’t exist anymore. Problems are often created from moments of drama that if ignored disappear. It is when we focus on these that they grow into something bigger and more negative. Problems that don’t disappear are waiting for a solution that can be applied drama-free.
Anytime a problem or challenge arrives in your life, acknowledge that you are the one who has labeled it. To another it might not appear to be
a problem at all. In fact, every problem is just a lesson in disguise. It is up to you to solve it or let it go. Only you can experience it the way you’ve perceived it. And only you can correct it to your satisfaction.

1. Write down your number one “problem” on an index card.
2. Give three reasons it is a “problem” for you.
3. Record the necessary action steps to remove or resolve this “problem.” Go do it!
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A problem is just a learning opportunity in disguise. #move-it-forward #motivation #quote @melissagalt
Oh and I’d love to hear about how you’ve eliminated the drama in your life and work! COMMENT BELOW.