I’ve been frustrated lately by the number of individuals I meet, whether colleagues in design, or fellow small business owners, who say they want to succeed yet they are unwilling to invest in their greatest asset, themselves! These people will buy computer software, they’ll pay for a website, they’ll even hire a Virtual Assistant to do their book keeping and database management but they won’t invest in their own knowledge, their own experience, and their own future.
I’ve had a number of coaches and mentors over the years and honestly wish I’d had more and sooner. The right mentor can cut years off your climb to the top, save you expensive mistakes, and flatten the learning curve. I consider this to be a better investment than any website (and most websites I see need a lot of work.) If you aren’t entirely clear and focused on where you are going, all the tools in the world can’t take you there.
Find a coach or mentor that fits your personality, who has the experience and know-how to provide valued guidance, direction, encouragement, and yes, accountability. Working effectively with the right mentor will keep your business moving forward, avoid those plateaus we all struggle with, and get you out of stuck when it happens. We all benefit from someone who can see the forest for the trees, often we are simply too close.
Invest in yourself first and success will follow.
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