Make it a point to establish an exercise routine that works for you. A short regular fitness routine that you do every day , or every other day, energizes you and renews your commitment to yourself.
READ THE POSTStop spending your work day rushing from crisis to crisis and struggling to create a long range plan! Here are five steps that you can take quickly and comfortably to design your own business and life success.
READ THE POSTYou deserve better, of course, but until you step up and start doing the real work to design your signature life, it isn’t going to happen. I’m going to give you a secret that has totally transformed my life in business and personally.
READ THE POSTYou are extraordinary but stuck at times in places of feeling ordinary. It happens to everyone. G.I.F.T.S.™ is the acronym for Genuinely Interested in Fun and Truly Sharing. It’s time to step up, design your life, your success and claim your G.I.F.T.S™ for who you really are!
READ THE POSTIf you are a solopreneur, business owner, or home based CEO, you work for yourself. Oh, I […]
READ THE POSTRecently I participated as an affiliate with a top drawer marketer who is known as the Queen […]
READ THE POSTSchool Daze Recently, I traveled up to Castine Maine for my first high school reunion. Now, while […]