"Ghost Rider" - Nicolas Cage, Eva Mendes, Sam Elliott, Peter Fonda I wasn't going to see this, it seemed way too corny. But what is a gal to do on a 17 hour flight to China! I am a big Cage fan so … [Read more...] about Ghost Rider
Melissa Galt
Greetings From Beijing!
Back from Beijing! What an adventure, while I love the price of frequent flyer miles and that they afforded me the front of the plane, it was a rather round-a-bout route. Atlanta to Vancouver to Seoul … [Read more...] about Greetings From Beijing!
Chinese Customs to Grow Business and Life
China wasn't on my list of places to visit, at least not the short list. But my life plan includes visiting all manner of countries and cultures to explore their beliefs, experience their customs, and … [Read more...] about Chinese Customs to Grow Business and Life
A Test for Yes
Often we are presented with opportunities that seem too good to pass up. We may automatically say yes, but then find out later that it wasn't the fit we thought it was. Next time you find yourself in … [Read more...] about A Test for Yes
Getting Clear, Achieving Focus
With so many priorities in each of our lives and particularly in our careers, it can often be challenging to get clear and truly achieve focus on any single goal. The key lies in focusing intensely, … [Read more...] about Getting Clear, Achieving Focus
Managing Email for Results (Gain an Hour a Day)
With so many ways to get in touch, stay in touch, and be in touch these days, it can be truly overwhelming. Whether you use a cell phone, a PDA, a blackberry, raspberry, cranberry or other fruited … [Read more...] about Managing Email for Results (Gain an Hour a Day)
Screw It, Let’s Do It
Screw It, Let's Do It, Richard BransonA short book and quick read from one of the most creatively successful entrepreneurs ever born. Branson tells it in plain language, how his mantra of believing in … [Read more...] about Screw It, Let’s Do It
Choosing your Productive Times for Success
I am finding myself working every Sunday and realize that rather than stop that, I am going to begin taking Fridays off. You see Sunday is quiet, and I get a lot more done without interruptions, so it … [Read more...] about Choosing your Productive Times for Success
Follow Up!
Do you know what the single biggest failure in businesses today is? Failure to follow up. It is so simple but so often overlooked. In my first three years in business, I sent every client I made a … [Read more...] about Follow Up!