The Law Of Attraction, Michael Losier
Yes, I know that there are a plethora of books on the market today with the subject of the law of attraction. This was recommended by a fellow coach and relationship expert. I was impressed and pleased to find that Losier addressed two significant questions that others do not. The first is how to deal with your doubts, and the success of “allowing statements.” The second quandary for me has always been putting what is not yet here in the present tense. Losier directs us to use the terminology “I am in the process of attracting.” This works well for me. While many prefer the power of present tense, I could apply that only if I adhere to the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know” which suggests that everything we desire is all right here, right now, just perhaps not on the plane we are operating on. (Yes, I know that is a big one to wrap your mind around!) You can check out Losier’s book at He also provides a wealth of work sheets and support online.