- Review all email lists you are on and all groups, networks, organizations and associations you belong to (professional and personal). Are they providing real value to your life and/or business? If not cut them out. Remember time is your #1 non-renewable resource. Cut out time wasters.
- Take a good look at the people you are surrounding yourself with, colleagues, associates, friends, even family. Do you genuinely enjoy time spent with them (or is it an obligation only?) Are you pleased when you say that you are the sum average of those around you? In other words, do those you hang out with represent the type of person you want to be? If not, find new company, create new friendships, and push your circle of influence wider. Reduce and avoid toxic people in your life.
- Write a weekly list of your successes, every Friday afternoon. At the start of this New Year, compile a list of 25 accomplishments in 2008. It isn’t limited to professional triumphs, include personal milestones as well. CELEBRATE your successes! Stop simply striving and learn the gift of arriving by embracing your achievements as they happen.
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