Wow, it is rare for me to find such interest and intrigue in a public space but this was really quite stunning. It was uniquely quiet without the usual hubbub and buzz of cell phones and loud talk so prevalent in the USA. Cell phones weren’t permitted until after customs. No symphony of cell phone on noises at landing. I didn’t miss it.
When in baggage claim and ticketing it truly felt as if you were in the underside of a great ship with weathered gray arching wood bracing overhead (I couldn’t get close enough to determine if this was actually cement planking with a wood texture, guessing so.) It felt almost cathedral like.
But for the 20+ minute ride in a trolley bus from the terminal to the plane (I swear I think we switched airports!), and the dismal acoustics for their PA system, it was likely one of the most well designed airport ambiances I have experience. MG