As I was listening to Lady Gaga’s Born This Way remade by my total favorite Peter Hollens, I realized that this is actually how I’ve always done business and it’s always worked. And it can work for you too, when you let it. Take stock of your talents and gifts. Look at what makes you jump out of bed in the morning before the alarm and what will keep you up at night just because it’s so much fun to do. That is your success, nothing more, nothing less. When you take that passion, that enthusiasm and share it with the right market, you are unstoppable. You will become an undeniable magnet to your ideal customers and perfect clients. It really can be that easy.
You were born with everything you have and everything you need to be the outrageous success you dream of. The only one stopping you is you. It is your beliefs that you aren’t enough, that you need more of what you don’t have (you don’t), and that somehow success is something outside of you, it isn’t. It is inside you waiting for you to wake up and claim it. It’s not about timing or more tools. It’s not about knowing the right people or being in the right place, it is about getting clear, getting focused and getting juiced, as in super charged and excited to be doing what you are doing and being who you are being.
When you step into that magical place of being Y.O.U. You Unique Original, the world will clear the room for you to be the star you are and for you to take that center stage you’ve been playing understudy to. Give up the small roles this world needs you to direct, produce and star in your very own blockbuster of a life. You’ve been playing it safe, hanging out behind the scenes, and dreaming instead of doing. Stop and step it up.
Be the Star You Are!Hell yes, it’s going to be scary and unfamiliar and totally ridiculously uncomfortable until you get used to being who you are meant to be, who you came here to be and who you must be. How do I know?? Because I’ve been playing it small to and the gloves are coming off, the sparkles coming on, the shine being lit from within to ignite without. Will you join me? Will you be the star you are? Can I help you with that?
Imagine a world built of nothing but interconnected galactic superstars, each giving their total talent, delivering their absolute brilliance. Sounds like a world gone wonderful to me . . . what’s your take?