Guess what? Your so called "offline" customers are hanging out online. Yep, they sure are. In fact, they are all over Facebook (800 million strong at last count), Twitter (200 million strong), and … [Read more...] about I found your customers online . . .come and get’em
Social Media
5 Ways to Tell a True Friend on Facebook (vs. the Not-So-True Kind)
Well if you read my recent post about dumping 50K followers on Twitter, it won't surprise you that at the same time, I purged my Facebook Profile of over 2500 not-so-true friends. You see, originally, … [Read more...] about 5 Ways to Tell a True Friend on Facebook (vs. the Not-So-True Kind)
Social Media Savvy: Are You Internet Famous But Can’t Make Ends Meet?
In today's age, visibility isn't difficult to achieve, the question is "does it mean anything?" Be very careful about judging a person by their social media presence, it can be deceiving. I've talked … [Read more...] about Social Media Savvy: Are You Internet Famous But Can’t Make Ends Meet?
Social Media Savvy: How to Lose Friends and Alienate People
Having just purged my Facebook profile of over 2500 "friends," and deactivated my Twitter profile at 50K followers and 2K lists, I've learned a lot about the definition of a friend. According to … [Read more...] about Social Media Savvy: How to Lose Friends and Alienate People
Social Media Marketing: When is the Best Time to Market?
There is a very short answer to this question and it is simply ALWAYS! What I continue to run into, particularly with service based business professionals and creatives (like designers, stagers, and … [Read more...] about Social Media Marketing: When is the Best Time to Market?
Why Southerners Tweet Best and How You Can Too
I am frequently asked about Twitter, how to Tweet, and how on earth I can possibly say anything relevant and meaningful in only 140 characters. I was raised by a mother who had a large vocabulary and … [Read more...] about Why Southerners Tweet Best and How You Can Too
5 Hot Places to Find and Capture Your Ideal Clients Online
I’ve noticed a big gap for many business owners, solopreneurs, home based ceos, coaches and creatives today. You know you need online marketing solutions, but you aren’t sure why you need them or even … [Read more...] about 5 Hot Places to Find and Capture Your Ideal Clients Online
Weird Trick to Save Tons of Time and Keep Your Clients Hot & Buying
One of the real advantages to the internet is the ability to repurpose your content simply and easily from platform to platform and format to format. What that means is that you can write a blog post … [Read more...] about Weird Trick to Save Tons of Time and Keep Your Clients Hot & Buying
TOP 10 REASONS WHY YOU NEED A BLOG: Shortcuts to Profit with Ideal Clients
From everything I’ve seen, the biggest hurdles to starting a blog for small business owners and solopreneurs is the fear of writing and the perceived technical aspects. Well, take it from this avowed … [Read more...] about TOP 10 REASONS WHY YOU NEED A BLOG: Shortcuts to Profit with Ideal Clients