HAPPY NEW YEAR! I want to get you started on your own list of COMMITMENTS for 2009, and thought that sharing just a few of mine might inspire you. I'd love to have you share your ultimate COMMITMENTS … [Read more...] about Melissa Shares Her Top Commitments, Will YOU Share YOURS?
DESIGN YOUR LIFE: 3 Shortcuts to Success in 2009
Review all email lists you are on and all groups, networks, organizations and associations you belong to (professional and personal). Are they providing real value to your life and/or business? If not … [Read more...] about DESIGN YOUR LIFE: 3 Shortcuts to Success in 2009
Life is full of ironies! I just established a new profile on Facebook this week, and low and behold received an email one day later that they had reinstated my presence there. I can't combine the … [Read more...] about SOCIAL NETWORK SUCCESS TIP: Will Wonders Never Cease?
MELISSA'S FAVORITES: Holiday Family Time Fillers!
Holiday Family Time Fillers! Every holiday I take a week or two of downtime to recharge, energize and also review the year just conquered. During this time I often rent videos but in recent years it … [Read more...] about MELISSA'S FAVORITES: Holiday Family Time Fillers!
Melissa Is Asking You for The Gift of Connection Now and Next Year
All I want for Christmas . . . . is the gift of your connection. I have spent much of this year sharing business building and life changing shortcuts, strategies, secrets and more with as many people … [Read more...] about Melissa Is Asking You for The Gift of Connection Now and Next Year
BUSINESS BUILDING BLOCKS: How to Make Your Holidays the Happiest!
Three quick tips for making the holidays the merriest ever: RELAX . . . . Holidays can be really stressful with family and friends placing extra demands on your time. Too much company staying for too … [Read more...] about BUSINESS BUILDING BLOCKS: How to Make Your Holidays the Happiest!
MELISSA’S FAVORITES: Winter Imaginings
Winter Imaginings I found this inspiring and enlightening, take just 3 minutes, enjoy a deep breath, moving sound, and a visual feast of Winter Wonderland . . . Winter Imaginings … [Read more...] about MELISSA’S FAVORITES: Winter Imaginings
Celebrate Your Friends, Part II
Copyright Melissa Galt 2008/2009 How often do we find that we are losing track of friends without enough time to spend together? It seems easy to say “maybe next month,” “when I get that … [Read more...] about Celebrate Your Friends, Part II
I had a rude awakening last Thursday. I am active on Facebook and have a group there, or did. I was posting my feature in www.mydesignsecrets.com, sharing my good news and suggesting to fellow design … [Read more...] about SOCIAL NETWORK SUCCESS TIP: Don't Share Too Much!